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                                  DMi8 S Platform


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                                  Detailed introduction

                                  DMi8 S Platform


                                  For routine to live cell research


                                  Inverted Microscope Solution DMi8 S Platform


                                  The modular DMi8 inverted microscope is the heart of the DMi8 S platform solution. For routine to live cell research, the DMi8 S platform is a complete solution. Whether you need to precisely follow the development of a single cell in a dish, screen through multiple assays, obtain single molecule resolution, or tease out behaviors of complex processes, a DMi8 S system will enable you to see more, see faster, and find the hidden.


                                  See more – Increase your viewing area up to 10,000x

                                  See faster – Experiments up to 5x faster

                                  See the hidden – Activate, ablate, and bleach within one experiment


                                  DMi8 Microscope


                                  Fully configurable with manual to motorized components, the DMi8 microscope allows you to create the ideal imaging system for your research and budget needs.


                                  Flexibility is built-in, allowing you to add established best-in-class options like DIC for unstained samples and Intelligent Automation. For time-lapse experiments use superb focus control with Adaptive Focus Control and Closed Loop Focus.


                                  DMi8 S for advanced widefield research


                                  Starting from discovery and analysis of single molecules and culminating in breakthroughs in understanding and treating human health, the key to the next scientific discovery lies in finding the missing links connecting your data.


                                  The DMi8 S is a complete solution for advanced widefield research. The new DMi8 S platform extends the flexibility of the DMi8 microscope, adding revolutionary high speed control, Infinity TIRF and Infinity Scanner modules, plus unrivaled software capabilities to create the ultimate advanced live cell imaging solution.


                                  "The DMi8 S is a versatile and userfriendly system that empowers biomedical researchers to probe molecular machineries within the cell with super-resolution, photo-manipulation and optogenetics." - Dr. Alessandro Esposito, Hutchison MRC Research Centre, University of Cambridge, UK


                                  Find your answers


                                  No matter what experiments you have in mind, LAS X Navigator is the key to all applications on your DMi8 S platform.


                                  Generate live overviews

                                  Create spiral scans to search in the vicinity of your current location

                                  Display images in sample carrier templates for quick orientation

                                  Use any magnification, camera, detector, and contrasting method in the same workspace

                                  Define an unlimited number of regions and positions for high resolution scans or multiwell projects

                                  Zoom swiftly in and out of your sample

                                  Move to any stage location by mouse click


                                  Precise control


                                  For specialized live cell applications, you can now add additional devices to the system and set up fully high-speed controlled experiments with precise timing and control of third party devices.


                                  The DMi8 S platform is powered by LAS X Synapse advanced sequencer, which allows you to freely specify the behavior of connections and create fast imaging sequences to analyze an organism’s response to external stimuli delivered via third party devices.


                                  Define both digital and analog signals, and set up the trigger signaling independently from the image acquisition with exact timings and full reproducibility.


                                  DMi8 Microscope


                                  The Leica DMi8 is built with flexibility in mind.


                                  With up to two Infinity Ports providing access points for addition of fluorescent devices, the microscope is easily adaptable for everything from simple fluorescent imaging to sophisticated super resolution applications.


                                  This novel design facilitates the integration of additional fluorescence light sources and laser systems for advanced applications like






                                  and many more.

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